My First Electric Vehicle (is an electric bike)

For sometime now I've wanted to get into electric biking. I know a lot of cyclists who don't care about electric bike technology as its seen as expensive, unnecessary, trendy and about product bikes and not cycling. I tend to agree with the assessment but find my self intrigued nontheless. This is because I've followed a few other technology fields and have watch as they've blown up in various ways over the years.

Video editing was one such tech as it became possible to digitally edit a movie on a personal computer. The advances in computers and video encoding dramatically changed the way people look at and understand movie images. I've spent time contemplating glass, gaming, video drones, solar battery charging, etc. What's happening in biking in no less dramatic than those others.

Bikes are becoming computerized or gadgetized. The market in ebikes has exploded as big players in other fields have jumped in to produce products, very expensive products. That's where my fascination comes in. I like more accessibility in emerging technology which has a penchant for a fascistic fringe when in it's infancy. So the electric bike as a tool for an electric revolution makes a lot of sense to me, as it will break down barriers in transportation. An electric revolution does make sense, an idea that brings me to Clean Republic, an interesting company, and a way for light weight, fast electric locomotion.

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