What I see is a diversity of ebike projects

I found a newish thread on Endless Sphere recently. Its about a chineese ebike company called enduroebike.com and a guy, Andy Kirby, who has one which he is modifying. I like what he's doing because he is really picking over the power system. And he makes good videos, kinda like Casey Neistat.

From ElectricScooterParts.com
Some times you just have to post what's in the wind....
"With a Lithium battery pack one of the most important specifications is the continuous Amp load rating. If your scooter will have two 96 Volt 2500 Watt controllers then these controllers will be able to continuously draw 52 Amps from the battery pack. So a 96 Volt Lithium battery pack with a 52 Amp continuous load rating would be needed."

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