Electric Motorcycle Range (1)

From Christian Vogler
Engineer for concept design and performance for motorcycles

"What is the maximum possible driving range of #electricmotorcycles in legislative drive cycles with a certain battery capacity? Here's the answer! And more importantly, do you agree?"

I was going through the different speed profiles to test the electric range of an #electricmotorcycle in the EU and the USA. And what I found was quite surprising. The cycles show a nearly identical energy demand!

With energy demand I mean the energy which is actually needed to propel the vehicle along the speed profile. I did not consider any drivetrain efficiencies and all braking power is considered to be recuperated.

Here's the full list of assumptions:

1 - EU drive cycle is a WMTC (part 1, 2 and 3) which is continuously repeated according to EU Reg No 134/2014

2 - US drive cycle is according to SAE J2982 a continuously repeated city cycle and a constant speed test at 70 mph (113 km/h)

3 - As there are many variations of the actual speed profiles especially in the EU Reg No 134/2014 we assume that the motorcycle has a maximum speed of >140 km/h and can drive faster than 113 km/h for more than 10 minutes

4 - vehicle mass: 225 kg (plus 75 kg driver)

5 - aerodynamic drag area cd*A: 0.45 m^2

6 - tire rolling resistance coefficient: 0.02


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